What is the interest of a part-time HRR?
As your agency develops, your HR needs are more important, and you want to be assisted by an HRP
You want him to be able to take charge of your HR issues
Boost’RH Groupe has been in place for more than 10 years, specifically for this type of need
We provide you with the HR assets that will help you get off the ground
We provide you, according to your needs, an Expert HR Consultant on a time-shared basis, a few hours a week
Many actions will be managed by your consultant
The fact of developing a remuneration strategy or establishing a motivation policy are some examples
He is also able to take on more specialized tasks, alongside an HR specialist.
By relying on Boost’RH Occitanie, you therefore have an HR consultant with all the know-how you need
Customer satisfaction is very important to us
You will easily get a practice close to your company thanks to our large establishment
So do not hesitate to contact us in order to explain your needs to us.