Employer Brand: Attract Top Talent

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In 2023, 61% of companies said they were having difficulty recruiting. The same year, a
survey conducted by Ipsos for Welcome to the jungle
revealed another disturbing fact: only 1/3 of working professionals perceived a real employer branding strategy. employer brand within their company. In this context, it is striking to note that despite the high number of companies facing recruitment problems, a large proportion of them do not seem to be implementing an effective strategy to remedy the situation. Over the years, the notion of employer brand has turned out to be much more than just a concept, gradually becoming an essential essential lever to attract and retain the most promising talent.

CSR, diversity, inclusion, quality of life and working conditions (
) are dimensions that now count, especially when it comes to attracting the younger generations, who attach great importance to them. Social networks, rating platforms: companies are scrutinized, and a lot of information is easily accessible to candidates, who find themselves in a strong position to make their choice. So what strategies can you put in place to strengthen your employer brand and attract the best talent? Answers in this article.

What is Employer Brand?

Definition and key elements of employer branding


Employer branding refers to the reputation and perception a company creates as an employer. It encompasses the company’s image, values and culture, as well as the overall experience that current and potential employees have with the organization. In other words, employer branding is the way in which a company presents itself as an employer on the job market.

Key elements of employer branding include transparent communication of company values, corporate culture, professional development opportunities, benefits, and quality of working life. An effective employer branding strategy also involves a positive presence on social media, employee testimonials on rating platforms such as
awards and recognitions such as the
Great Place To Work label
label, as well as
social and environmental responsibility (CSR) initiatives


Impact on talent attraction

The impact of employer branding on talent attraction is significant. A positive employer image attracts qualified and motivated candidates, reducing recruitment costs. Companies that are well perceived as employers also find it easier to retain their existing employees, thereby reducing staff turnover. What’s more, a strong employer brand boosts employee loyalty, improves productivity and helps create a motivating corporate culture.

chart showing what candidates expect from their future employer (welcome to the jungle study)


The benefits of a strong Employer Brand


Competitive advantages of an attractive employer brand


A strong employer brand gives a company many strategic advantages, from attracting talent to retaining employees, enhancing reputation and promoting diversity. Firstly, a strong employer brand attracts quality candidates, reducing recruitment costs and speeding up the hiring process. Beyond salary, which remains the top priority, talents tend to look for companies offering professional development opportunities, good working conditions and attractive benefits, all of which contribute to strengthening the employer brand.

Once talent has been attracted, a strong employer brand facilitates employee retention. Employees are more inclined to stay with a company that values their contribution, offers them development prospects (career, skills) and promotes a fulfilling work environment. This reduces the
staff turnover rate
and helps build a stable, committed team.

What’s more, a positive employer brand strengthens a company’s overall reputation. Customers, business partners and investors are influenced by external perceptions of how a company treats its employees. A solid reputation as an employer can therefore help generate trust and strengthen a company’s credibility in the marketplace.


Strategies to strengthen your Employer Brand

Techniques and approaches to improve the perception of your company


Strengthening your employer brand requires well-thought-out strategies, encompassing communication, corporate culture and employee experience.

The most common strategies include :

  • Investment in training and development Our commitment to our employees is demonstrated by the fact that we offer ongoing training and professional development opportunities. This helps create a learning culture and attracts talent eager to advance their careers. 26% of working people consider development opportunities to be a decisive factor in their decision to join a company (WTTJ 2023 barometer).
  • Communication on social networks Social media are powerful tools for shaping and disseminating an employer brand. Companies can share employee testimonials, projects and internal events to reinforce their image.
  • Candidate and employee experience A positive experience, from the recruitment process right through to integration, helps forge a memorable first impression. Once employed, taking care of their well-being and fulfillment strengthens employee loyalty and commitment.
  • Promoting employee benefits For example, it’s now a matter of course to clearly communicate employee benefits, such as health insurance, vacations, company catering and wellness programs. These elements contribute to attracting talents who are looking for complete packages.
  • Involving employees in employer branding Encouraging employees to become ambassadors for the employer brand reinforces its authenticity. In fact, co-optation programs are becoming increasingly common within companies. Employee testimonials convey a credible and positive image to candidates, 50% of whom trust them (WTTJ 2023 barometer).


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The importance of corporate culture and values

Of course, all these strategies must be in line with the company’s culture and values.

Defining and communicating corporate values is essential today, as candidates and employees want to work for companies that share their values. Clearly articulating the company’s values and communicating them transparently sets it apart. 20% of employees say they’d rather be unemployed than work for a company whose values don’t match their own (
Randstad Brand Research 2023 study

Promoting a positive corporate culture is essential to attracting and retaining talent. Encouraging collaboration, diversity, work/life balance and recognition of achievements fosters an attractive work environment. 45% of working people need to work for a company that offers mental health and wellbeing benefits and actively supports equity, inclusion and diversity (Randstad 2023 study).


Integrating current HR trends

LGBT flag on Apple brand

How do current trends influence employer branding?

Current trends in the working world, such as teleworking, diversity and inclusion, have a significant influence on how a company is perceived as an employer, and play a crucial role in strengthening the employer brand.

Flexible working, including the possibility of telecommuting or flexible working hours, has become an important expectation for many employees. Companies that successfully integrate this flexibility into their corporate culture enhance their attractiveness. Some companies have even adopted permanent remote working or unlimited vacations, demonstrating their commitment to work-life balance.

Diversity and inclusion are also key elements influencing the employer brand. Talents are looking for work environments where everyone is valued, regardless of their origins, gender, sexual orientation or other characteristics. Some companies stand out for their concrete initiatives to promote diversity, such as setting representation targets and implementing awareness-raising programs.

Inclusion goes beyond mere digital diversity, and involves creating an environment where everyone feels heard and included. Microsoft, for example, has promoted internal programs such as the Neurodiversity at Microsoft initiative to welcome and support neurodivergent employees.

Young people (aged 18-24) are more sensitive than their elders to issues of diversity and inclusion. The company’s CSR policy is a decisive criterion for choosing a company for 19% of them (vs. 11% of total assets) according to the
Welcome to the jungle 2023 employer brand barometer

The impact of technology on the Employer Brand

Today, when applying for a job, working people look for information about the company: 36% consult the company’s website, 29% professional social networks such as LinkedIn and 21% consult employee reviews on rating platforms and look at the company’s social networks (welcome to the jungle 2023 employer brand barometer).

The impact of technology and digital platforms on employer branding is therefore considerable, and shapes the way companies interact with talent and cultivate their image on the job market. Social media play a central role, enabling companies to share their corporate culture and success stories, and engage in direct dialogue with potential candidates. Platforms such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor and Indeed provide spaces where current and former employees can share their experiences, directly influencing the external perception of the company.

In addition, recruitment technologies such as ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) facilitate the recruitment process by automating certain administrative tasks, allowing HR teams to concentrate on human interaction and developing relationships with candidates. Technology is redefining the way companies build and maintain their employer brand, offering powerful tools for communication, engagement, and continuous improvement of the candidate experience.


In a competitive and ever-changing job market, a strong employer branding strategy is essential for companies wishing to attract, retain and motivate top talent. By developing a positive image as an employer, highlighting their corporate culture, values and commitment to employee well-being, companies can stand out in the marketplace and boost their attractiveness. Investing in a strong employer brand is no longer simply an option, but a necessity to ensure company growth.

Want to improve your employer brand?

Karine T, Recruitment Manager for Boost'RH Groupe

Karine HR Recruitment Director

“According to our expert, employer branding is a reflection of the company’s culture, and the aim of employer branding is to let people know, both internally and externally, what’s being done. The most important thing is transparency and consistency between promise and reality: ‘say what we do and do what we say’.

While employer branding is first and foremost about recruitment, it’s far from the only benefit. First of all, it’s obviously a competitive advantage when it comes to recruiting, especially for small structures that don’t have the reputation of large companies. This means more applications and less sourcing work for recruiters.

In addition to recruitment, employer branding also benefits business in general, as communication also has an impact on partners and suppliers who may be sensitive to what the company is doing.

Finally, internally, if the promise is kept, a strong employer brand helps to reduce turnover and retain employees over the long term. Finally, employer branding helps to recreate a human society within an economic society, so that everyone can find meaning in it. “

To sum up

En 3 Questions

  • What is employer branding?

    Employer branding represents a company’s image and reputation as an employer on the job market. It encompasses corporate culture, values and the employee experience.

  • What are the benefits of a strong employer brand?

    • Attracting top talent
    • Lower recruitment costs
    • Increased employee retention (reduced turnover)
    • Enhancing corporate reputation (eNPS)
    • Improved employee engagement and productivity
  • What trends are impacting employer branding?

    • Flexible working and teleworking
    • Diversity and inclusion within the company
    • Using social media for communication and engagement
    • Recruiting technology and HR process automation
    • CSR approach