What are the reasons for choosing this operating mode?
You are Financial Manager, your start-up is going through a period of transformation and you must find an HR Expert whose presence will be occasional
This one will be in charge of helping you to manage all the situations related to your HR
Boost’RH has been working alongside developing establishments for more than 10 years now, requiring more resources in terms of personnel management.
We provide you, according to your needs, a part-time HR Expert Consultant, a few days a month
If you needed someone for the preparation of a recruitment plan or the election of the Social and Economic Committee, he will of course be able to take charge of missions of this type.
His role will also be to take charge of your employees for more common tasks.
In addition to these relatively common missions, other actions can be carried out, more complex
By going through Boost’RH Caudry (59540), you therefore have an HR consultant with all the know-how you expect.
You will easily get a practice near you because our branch network is now national
So do not hesitate to contact us to discuss it together and get in touch with our HR specialists in your region.