Interim management: principles and foundations
Defining interim management
Interim management consists of temporarily assigning management functions to an external operational manager in order to manage change. This person has the particularity of being immediately operational, so he or she can devote himself or herself fully to his or her mission as interim manager and to improving the company’s performance. This is a viable one-off solution. Today, the interim manager no longer intervenes solely for crisis management, his field of action now covers a variety of areas.
In the 1970s, interim management came into being under the name of "Interim Management", and was initially developed to manage crisis situations. A slow but fruitful breakthrough, with the French interim management market estimated at 440 million euros in 2019.
The benefits of interim management
Using interim management allows you to benefit from the fresh, objective view of an independent executive, providing concrete solutions to achieve your objectives. The whole intervention is geared towards success. It’s a practical solution for responding quickly to an emergency situation. It’s simpler to set up than a fixed-term contract, and more specialized than using a temporary executive. What’s more, it offers a guarantee of success, true objectivity and controlled costs. Ultimately, he or she helps the company resolve a situation or carry out a major project, before handing over the reins at the end of the assignment.
The interim manager: a real profession

Interim management is linked to the duration of the assignment and requires a certain degree of mobility. You can’t improvise yourself as an interim manager, because some assignments are delicate and need to be taken into account. It’s a profession in its own right, made by choice, a desire to get away from routine and a willingness to challenge oneself with each new assignment. Not everyone is cut out for this mission, as it requires specific skills and a certain lifestyle.
It can also be a solution to the covid-19 crisis, as new practices have emerged or developed that require fundamental changes.
Interim management: a strategic solution?

Who are interim managers?
Interim managers are neither magicians nor superheroes. These are experienced men and women who have chosen to put their skills and experience at the service of organizations in need. It’s a question of knowing how to go beyond the “traditional” function to position oneself as a gas pedal capable of moving the lines while passing on one’s knowledge and knowing how to leave when the mission is over. This is why gaining acceptance from all employees is one of the biggest challenges facing interim managers.
The interim manager's missions
Amission is divided into 3 phases:
- Diagnostics to analyze and optimize existing systems;
- The implementation of solutions, to be defined and deployed according to the results of the diagnosis;
- Transferring skills to ensure the continuity of a company department
Interim managers have a wide range of missions and skills. The vast majority of interim management assignments concern functions that are often represented on executive committees: general management, human resources, finance or manufacturing. It can also intervene to cover positive situations such as the development of a new activity, the management of a strategic project or the optimization of performance.
An interim manager's assignment, which can last from 4 to 18 months, lasts an average of 7 months.
The skills needed by an interim manager
In addition to the usual qualities of a manager, the company is looking for special profiles, with an emphasis on business experience. Profiles need to be large-scale, experienced and capable of leading teams in the realization of the customer’s vision. Active listening and the ability to bounce back are the main qualities sought. He must also be a leader and demonstrate :
- Intuition
- Communication
- Empathy
Profiles meeting these conditions are rare. On average, 5% of CVs received are eligible for interim management. He or she must also have a pronounced sense of operationality, a taste for challenge and a certain need to pass on information. It’s essential that he’s had managerial experience to be able to manage a team that he hasn’t recruited himself, and which he takes over at short notice. He can also be an expert on a specific mission.
Good to know: knowledge of the sector is often required by the company, but a fresh perspective can give you the perspective you need to get things moving.
The cost of an interim manager
The cost of the interim manager’s intervention is relatively high, but lower than that of a one-off consultant. It is advisable to set its duration in advance in order to control the cost. Hiring an interim manager can save time and increase productivity in situations that can be tricky for a company.
The average daily bill is 1,048 euros (source INIMA). Overall, prices range from 600 to 1,600 euros in average daily rates.
How an interim management assignment works

Identifying the issues
It’s vital to identify the issues at stake by asking the company about its objectives and the actions it has already taken in the past. This stage determines everything that follows. The overall quality of the mission depends on its quality. The next step is to formalize the problem and the context. This is the basis for the manager selection phase.
Selecting the right person
The client’s culture and the context in which he or she is working can lead to different profiles, as the interim manager must be able to quickly understand his or her future client’s skills needs at any given moment, and transform them into an objective to be achieved. Choosing the “right” manager is also a matter of feeling.
Setting up the management of the transition mission
One of the tools used to ensure that the mission runs smoothly is the steering committee. It ensures that objectives are met, supports the manager and anticipates conflicts. It’s also an effective line of communication between manager, customer and company, necessary to guarantee the success of the mission.
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