Your HR in timeshare in Luxembourg
Your Luxembourg company is growing and now you need HR advice.
Looking to outsource function Human ressources but at part-time, by a HRD or one HR in timeshare.
You want this HR consultant part-time located in Luxembourg can handle all common questions by Human ressources .
You also need him to provide you with a legal watch on developments and Luxembourg legislative obligations , but also that it secures your HR process and brings you Human Resources advice .
Created in 2007, Boost’RH Group can you support in HR in Luxembourg , by delegating one of our Luxembourg timeshare HR director .
Generalist and experienced this HRD in timeshare fully manage your HR topics to deal with them, while advising you on the local subtleties of Luxembourg labor law .
This Luxembourgish part-time HR can intervene punctually or on a regular basis a few days a month within your Company in Luxembourg .
For more details on our time-sharing HRD offer in Luxembourg , discover our page specific to the HRD in timeshare and contact us so that we can discuss it together.