What are the reasons for choosing this operating mode?
As your structure develops, your HR needs are more important, and you want to have the skills of a HRD
Supporting your progress is the main vocation of Boost’RH Groupe, since 2007
Your consultant simply intervenes a few days a month, after analyzing your needs
If you needed this expert for the preparation of a hiring plan or the management of the elections, he will of course be able to do it.
He is also at your side to supervise more specific tasks, in collaboration with a human resources specialist.
Therefore, whatever your need in HR skills, Boost’RH Auray (56400) will provide you with the time-sharing HR consultant with the skills and experience that you are entitled to demand, the responsiveness and the spirit of the service you expect and the geographic proximity you desire
We are happy to be able to generate great satisfaction and loyalty from our customers, which delights our HR consultants.
Our presence is global on the territory, thanks to our firms which are located in the four corners of the country.
Remember to get in touch with our service to learn about the possibilities offered by Boost’RH, in the Brittany region