What are the reasons for choosing this operating mode?
You are an Administrative and Financial Director, your business is growing and it is imperative that you find a HRD who will stand by your side
Boost’RH Groupe has been in place for nearly fifteen years, precisely to meet the needs of structures that are developing
We bring you the HR solutions that will improve your progress
Depending on your needs, you will be able to choose how many days per month you will requisition your specialist HR consultant
Many actions will be managed by your consultant
The fact of monitoring compliance with labor law or personnel management are some examples
He will also take care of the day-to-day management of the workforce, whatever the structure of your company.
He is also competent to take on more specialized and rare missions, in collaboration with a human resources specialist.
The consultant who will be provided to you by Boost’RH Fréjus (83370) will therefore have the necessary background to take charge of all the missions inherent to your company.
We always prioritize customer satisfaction
We shine all over France, thanks to our offices located across the country
Call us in order to benefit from a first contact with our service in order to discover the opportunities available to you, within your region