The challenges around a time-sharing HRD
You occupy a position of Administrative and Financial Director, your structure is growing and you need a HRD whose presence will be punctual
You need him to be able to handle different kinds of human resources situations
Promoting your progress is the main mission of Boost’RH Groupe, since 2007
Our service allows you to benefit from the presence of an Expert HR Consultant in one-off face-to-face
In particular, monitoring compliance with employment law or personnel management are tasks taken on by your HR expert.
You will also be able to ask him to take charge of more complex actions, in collaboration with a human resources specialist.
Therefore, whatever your requirements, Boost’RH Langon (33210) will provide you with the part-time HR consultant with the know-how you need, the reactivity and the geographical proximity you want.
Our presence is global within France, through our network of branches, in many cities
So contact Boost’RH today to tell us about your needs.