What is the interest of a part-time HRD?
You are a decision-maker, your agency is experiencing a period of strong growth and you must find a HRD whose presence will be occasional
Supporting your progress is the main vocation of Boost’RH Groupe, since 2007
Your consultant will only intervene within your company a few days a month, according to your needs
Many missions will be managed by your consultant
Monitoring compliance with labor law or personnel management are part of it.
You will also be able to requisition it to take charge of more specific actions, in collaboration with an HR specialist.
With Boost’RH Vénissieux (69200), you therefore benefit from a personnel management consultant who can prove all the skills you expect.
Our offices are located in the main cities of France so as to offer a local service to each establishment that needs our employees.
Thus, in your region, our on-site teams will be able to take care of your needs, so do not hesitate to contact our teams.