What is the interest of this type of human resources operation?
As part of the growth of your VSE / SME, you have new HR needs, and you want to be supported by an HRP
Boost’RH has been providing support to booming structures for more than 10 years now, requiring more resources in terms of personnel management.
Your expert HR consultant intervenes only a few days a month, depending on your needs
If you needed this consultant for the development of a remuneration strategy or the establishment of a motivation policy, he will obviously be able to do it.
He is also able to undertake more specific actions, he will then be supported by a specialist
Thanks to Boost’RH Dordogne (24), you therefore have a human resources consultant who can prove all the qualities you need
You will easily get a practice nearby because we are established all over France
Then contact us so that you can tell us about your needs.