What is the interest of a part-time HR Expert?
When expanding your start-up, you are no longer able to manage your HR with internal resources, and you want to benefit from the intervention of an HR Expert
Boost’RH has been working alongside booming companies for more than ten years now, requiring special support in terms of human resources.
Your consultant simply intervenes a few days a month, depending on your needs
If you needed this consultant for the creation of a skills development plan within your team or the assessment of compliance with legal obligations, he will be fully able to do it.
In addition to these rather usual actions, it will also manage more complex tasks if this is your need.
By relying on Boost’RH Saint-Lô (50000), you therefore benefit from an HR consultant with all the experience you expect.
You will easily get a practice near you because our branch network is now national
Call us in order to benefit from a first contact with our service in order to have the possibilities available to you, in your region of predilection