What is the interest of this type of human resources operation?
You work as a Business Manager, your start-up is in full development and you need an Expert HR Consultant who will intervene from time to time
Boost’RH Groupe was created more than 10 years ago, precisely to meet the needs of growing companies
We provide you with the HR assets that will help you get off the ground
Depending on your needs, you will be able to choose how many hours per week you will involve your expert HR consultant
If you needed this expert for the evaluation of the QVT approach or the management of health and safety at work, he will obviously be able to take on tasks of this kind.
Its role will also be to support your employees on a daily basis
Assisted by an HR specialist, more specific tasks may be entrusted to him
Therefore, whatever your requirements, Boost’RH Wittenheim (68270) will offer you the possibility of obtaining the semi-face-to-face HR consultant with the assets and experience you need, the responsiveness and spirit of the service you expect and the geographic proximity you want
This results in the great satisfaction and loyalty of our customers to the great pride of our HR consultants.
You will easily find a firm near you due to the importance of our network
So do not hesitate to contact us so that we can discuss the possibilities available to you.