Better manage your needs thanks to a time-sharing hr specialist
When your start-up is developing, you are no longer able to manage your HR with the available means, and you want to be supported by an HR specialist.
Boost’RH Groupe was set up more than ten years ago, precisely for this type of need
Our professionals provide you with the HR skills that will favor your progress
Your consultant simply intervenes a few days a month, after analyzing your needs
If you needed this expert for the execution of an HR diagnosis or the management of personnel and prevention of Psychosocial risks, he will obviously be able to do so.
With a human resources specialist, more specific actions can be entrusted to him
As a result, for all needs whatever they may be, Boost’RH Agen (47000) is able to delegate to you the time-sharing HR consultant with the know-how that you are entitled to demand, while remaining found in your area
This results in a great satisfaction and loyalty of our customers which delights our HR consultants.
Our firm is located in the main cities of France in order to offer a local service to each company
Do not hesitate to benefit from a first contact with our service in order to discover the possibilities available in your region of predilection