Why do many companies choose a timeshare hr specialist?
As part of the expansion of your company, you are no longer able to manage your HR with internal resources, and you want to be assisted by an HR specialist.
Supporting your progress is the main vocation of Boost’RH Groupe, since its creation in 2007
According to your needs, you can adjust the number of days of presence of your specialist HR consultant
If you needed someone for the establishment of a hiring forecast plan or the use of Human Resources tools, they will be fully able to take on tasks of this kind.
Apart from these rather usual missions, other tasks can be carried out, a little more difficult sometimes
The consultant who will be delegated to you by Boost’RH Saint-Avold (57500) will therefore be as reliable as you want.
You will easily find a firm close to your company thanks to our large establishment
So do not hesitate to contact us so that we can accompany you