A very sustained partnership between Boost’RH Groupe and FNIM
Since 2010 Boost’RH Groupe has been working in partnership with FNIM, a partnership that has grown steadily over time. This partnership allows FNIM on the one hand to rely on Human Resources skills of Boost’RH Groupe, and on the other hand to promote the integration of Boost’RH Groupe within the mutualist universe.
With the hindsight of several years, we can draw the conclusion that this partnership is beneficial to the members of the FNIM, share the contribution of competences in Human Resources of quality through the services of HRD in timeshare , HR transition management or Sourcing or Recruitment by Boost’RH Groupe.
But who is the FNIM?
The Independent National Federation of Mutuals (FNIM) is an organization for the defense and representation of independent mutuals. The Independent National Federation of Mutuals (FNIM) is an organization for the defense and representation of independent mutuals. Its mission is to defend mutuals (book II or III) which, according to it, do not have the possibilities of really asserting their positions and the reality of their activities.
In order to better represent local mutuals, the FNIM created in September 2014 two mutualist group unions (UGM):
- UGM ACS to offer mutuals a framework of action to respond to the future call for tenders ACS (Aide à la Complémentaire Santé)
- UGM Opéra to provide operational support to mutuals and help them meet regulatory requirements
The federation also signs a historic partnership with the UNMI.
A little history of the FNIM
Became the Independent National Federation of Mutuals in 2006 (previously Interprofessional), the FNIM was created on March 13, 1989 by two unions of mutuals in accordance with the legislation of the time: the union of inter-professional mutuals of Nord-Pas-de- Calais (UNIM) and the union of student mutual societies (UITSEM).
It has been chaired by Philippe Mixe since June 2011.
The FNIM: Its missions and its philosophy
The mission of the FNIM is to defend collective, moral and material interests, ensure representation and facilitate the activities of independent mutuals.
Its main vocation is to defend the interests of its members as mutual companies.
The FNIM’s mission is:
- to defend mutualist pluralism by promoting the development of its members;
- never to be in competition with its own members;
- to always take positions in the direct interest of its members.
In addition to actions carried out according to current events with the public authorities, the FNIM is represented and acts in the following bodies:
UNOCAM, Conseil Supérieur de la Mutualité, Supervisory Board of the CNAMTS, Regional Coordination Committee of the Mutual, Health Accounts Commission, Supervisory Board of the CMU Fund, etc.
Some figures concerning the FNIM
- Federated organizations (Mutuals and Unions): around 35
- Protected persons: 1.5 million
- Geographical distribution of FNIM mutuals: Metropolitan France and DOM-TOM
The FNIM: its publications
The FNIM publishes a bimonthly newsletter, The Independent Mutualist, with 1,500 copies distributed. It also has a website: www.fnim.fr
The creation of the Opera Committee
- In January 2010, the FNIM created the Opera Committee. This circle of reflection and action brings together players in mutuality, health and insurance, around the issues of social protection, territorial organization and financing of the health system.
To bring the debates to life and make concrete proposals, the Opera Committee has set up the Opera Committee Meetings, organized around a theme linked to current events and structuring for the future of the health and social protection system. : www.comite-opera.org.
Boost’RH Group, a founding member of the Opera Committee, has continued to pursue its involvement in the Opera Committee, which earned it the distinction of Gold Partner in 2015.
- In June 2014, the FNIM launched a site to help VSEs and SMEs meet the requirements of the ANI – www.mutuelle-tpe-pme.fr
- Since October 2013, the FNIM has published an annual barometer which studies changes in the behavior of French people in terms of social protection.